Private Property Policy:
Policy Regarding Private Property of the Cathedral
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (hereafter referred to as "Cathedral") and its grounds are Private Property.
The Cathedral exists to provide a respectful, distraction-free place of prayer, pilgrimage, and worship.
The Cathedral does not allow trespassing, loitering, solicitation, petitioning, or distribution of any non-Cathedral-approved materials on its private property, regardless of the cause or issue represented. No activity, event, or use shall occur upon the Cathedral’s property other than those sponsored by the Cathedral unless the individual or group involved has received prior written approval for such activity, event, or use.
The Cathedral will ask those who trespass, loiter, solicit, petition, distribute any non-Cathedral approved materials or take part in any activity, event, or use that does not have prior written approval from the Cathedral, regardless of cause or issue represented, to respect the policy of the Cathedral, to cease activities, and to leave the grounds of the Cathedral immediately.
Should anyone refuse to comply with the policy of the Cathedral, local law enforcement shall be notified immediately that such person(s) entered and/or remained (s) on Cathedral property without lawful authority and against the will of the person lawfully in charge thereof, requested to remove such person(s) from the property, and asked to file all appropriate criminal charges including, but not limited to, Trespassing under the Local Ordinances of the City of Brownsville, Texas.